Gustavo de Lacerda

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Integrated campaign. Creative direction: Gustavo de Lacerda. Agencies: QuintoAndar InHouse, PortoRocha, Gut, Barca. Production company: Barry Company (Breno Moreira), MYMAMA (Urso Morto), Stink (Squarehead), Rebolucion (Carol Markowicz), DirtyWorks.

QuintoAndar is the biggest startup in Brazil and the biggest proptech in Latin America.

In 2022 we completely reviewed the brand, basically starting from scratch: new positioning and tone of voice, new logo, visual identity system, photographic and illustration style.

The brand to tell real stories about the impact a home have at one's life, developed further on the impact a particular type of home has on a community, until putting the product back to the center of the stories, showing how our innovations can improve lives. Always backed by data that comes from our huge inventory of supply.

Effie | Bronze Star